Thursday 21 January 2010

Previous Thriller Openings Analysis

We looked at previous students work to get more of an idea what we could do for are thriller and what works well and what does not.

This opening called captured uses a good variety of shots which start with long duration then as they build the tension for the viewer they use lots of short duration shot which can be disorientating for the viewer as they can not tell what is going on completely. They have used appropriate mise-en-scene to make it a thriller for example the shot of the full moon at the beginning and using red lighting in some of there clips which can seem more scary. They have edited lots of short shots of printing photos which explains the name of the film 'captured'. The titles were on a black screen and written in white which looked professional and the black screen can relate to the thriller genre. They used a slightly spooky sounding music that is upbeat with strange sounds on top which from looking at other music is similar to that of most thriller films. They mostly used cuts between the shots and didn't really show a variety of shot transitions.
From looking at the marking criteria i think this would be a level three.

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