Thursday 4 February 2010

Mise En Scene for our Thriller

Costume - the main character in our filming will be played by Josie and she will be wearing a flowing dress as it will blow in the wind and should hopefully work well if we lay it in the water.
We are planning on using stage make up to give Josie cuts and bruises for the scene when she is laying in the stream to let the audience know she has been hurt and is in danger and to add more questions which thrillers consist of. She will also be wearing pale make up to show that she is dead
The fact that she is wearing a dress represents that she is girly in the sense she dresses and it will accentuate how vulnerable she is, it makes her the damsel in distress.

We researched into how to do cuts and bruises and here is an example of a video we looked at for ideas on how to do stage make up.

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